About Us

Investing In Digital Assets Since 2007

Since 2007, IJL Productions LLC has been developing and acquiring digital assets as long-term investments. Employing a consumer-first approach, our experiences are engineered to dazzle, empower, and enrich lives. IJL Productions differentiates on content, offering incredibly valuable information to our visitors, for free.

With investments spanning websites, domain names, and social media profiles, IJL Productions drives a sustainable and growing stream of affiliate income (similar to dividend-paying stocks). We also believe in investment grade domain names for long-term capital appreciation. Our investments are managed with a 30-year time horizon. We invest for the long-term.

Our Team

Ian Lopuch, President and CEO of IJL Productions LLC

With 12+ years experience leading teams and managing some of Silicon Valley’s largest digital marketing operations, Ian Lopuch started IJL Productions to embrace his entrepreneurial passion. Lopuch truly believes that the best corporate marketers have roots in affiliate marketing. To this day, Lopuch enjoys developing websites and digital investments at IJL Productions LLC to keep his skills sharp, offering even greater value at his large, multi-million dollar corporate gigs.

Want to learn more? Make sure to check out the About Me Page of PPC Ian, Lopuch’s personal blog, and also Lopuch’s LinkedIn Profile.


IJL Productions wants to take this moment to sincerely thank all consultants who have helped over the years. You have made all the difference. I want to especially thank my beautiful wife, Nicole Lopuch, for her amazing contributions to IJL Productions LLC.


Celebrating 10+ Years of Success

IJL Productions launches its first website

October, 2007

IJL Productions earns first meaningful affiliate marketing check

March, 2008

PPCIan.com launches

Visit Website October, 2009

Corporate IJL.net website launches

November, 2011

3 Million page views surpassed across properties

November, 2014

900 Original articles surpassed on active websites

February, 2017

Corporate IJL.net website upgrade

March, 2017

Mission and Core Values

We Take This Seriously

At IJL Productions LLC, we differentiate on content. Our mission is simple: Via our one-of-a-kind writing style, passion for helping others, and extensive library of world-class content, we strive to entertain, enrich, and dazzle our website visitors. We are happiest when we receive stories and testimonials sharing the personal success and growth of our readers. Building upon our content regularly, we have an eye on the (very) long-term, 20 to 30 years out.


Great websites take years to fully mature. We have been staying the course since October, 2007. The organic web publishing business scales exponentially with a long-term approach.


We are truly here to help others. Honesty and integrity come before anything else.


We sacrifice earnings in favor of quality, every single day. In the long run, only the highest quality websites will survive and thrive. We are perfectionists and care much more about the product than money.


As a single member LLC that is worked on during nights and weekends, time is extremely limited and valuable. We go after the biggest opportunities with as much focus as possible. We are not afraid to rapidly change course.

Buying and Selling

Websites and Domain Names


While most of our websites are now being built-in house (we are no longer acquiring developed websites), we are actively acquiring premium domain names. We are especially interested in three letter dot com/net domains and single word dot com/net domains. Please reach out today if you are interested in selling. We look forward to connecting.


In order to maintain our focus, IJL Productions LLC periodically sells websites and domain names. While we do not currently have any domains or websites for sale, please check back here often for the latest and greatest.

Contact Us

IJL Productions Is Actively Doing Deals

IJL Productions wants to hear from you! Whether you are interested in selling your domain names, advertising, or just want to say "hi", please feel free to reach out.

IJL Productions LLC
Email: ian@ijl.net

Find out more!